Deputy Secretary General (f/m/d)

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IIRB aisbl

International Institute of Sugar Beet Research

Holtenser Landstraße 77
37079 Göttingen

The International Institute of Sugar Beet Research IIRB is an international, non-governmental and non-profit organization. Its legal entity is in Brussel, Belgium. In the working office in Göttingen, Germany actually work the Secretary General and a part-time administrative employee. Its aim is to provide a platform for networking and knowledge transfer between scientists and specialists in sugar beet cultivation to advance sugar beet production

The IIRB is looking for our office in Göttingen at the earliest possible date for a Deputy Secretary General (f/m/d)

(part-time 50-60%, limited to two years)

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Content and organizational planning and implementation of workshops and conferences
  • The planning and organization of the yearly General Assembly
  • Management of the meetings of the Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Supporting the working groups in the organization of meetings
  • All administrative and content-related tasks concerning the IIRB
  • Accounting and budgeting with support from the treasurer
  • Membership administration and communication with members
  • Public relations, including design and maintenance of the society's website
  • Cooperation with partner organizations, research institutions, growers' associations, and industry

Ihr Profil:

  • You have successfully completed a university degree in biology, agricultural sciences or related disciplines
  • Experience in accounting and management of a scientific society is helpful
  • You think strategically and in complex contexts, and have an independent, efficient and structured way of working
  • Your skills include initiative and organizational talent
  • You are interested in science, conference and event management
  • You have excellent oral and written language skills in German and English, French is desirable
  • You are a strong communicator, enjoy knowledge transfer tasks, and can present complex information concisely both in writing and orally
  • You enjoy working in an environment that requires a high degree of flexibility and the ability to cooperate 

Unser Angebot:

  • We offer you a part-time position (20-24 hours per week)
  • remuneration in accordance with the TV-L, pay grade up to TVL- EG13 (depending on your prerequisites)
  • The position is limited to two years.
  • Flexible working hours and home-office is possible.
  • Working in the university city of Göttingen


Have we aroused your interest? Then please send us your detailed application with your certificates and a letter of motivation summarized in a PDF file exclusively by email to

For further information on the position please contact: Jan Willem van Roessel (president of IIRB) +31 6 51401674

Bitte im Betreff der Bewerbung folgende Referenznummer angeben: KSN-683108


Christina Klett

Frau Christina Klett

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Deputy Secretary General (f/m/d)

IIRB aisbl
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