IIRB aisbl

International Institute of Sugar Beet Research
2 Standorte 2 aktuelle Stellenangebote 1931 gegründet 2 Mitarbeiter
IIRB aisbl
IIRB aisbl
IIRB aisbl
IIRB aisbl
The International Institute of Sugar Beet Research IIRB is an international, non-governmental and non-profit organisation. Its aim is to provide a platform for networking and knowledge transfer between scientists and specialists in sugar beet cultivation to advance sugar beet production. To achieve this and to promote the transfer of scientific knowledge into practice, the IIRB

  • organises biennial scientific congresses and seminars for scientists, experts and persons involved in efforts to improve the efficiency of beet production
  • organises study group and project group meetings enabling experts to exchange experimental results and new information of research stations and to establish international cooperations
  • encourages contacts with other international agricultural organisations
  • publishes discoveries, new procedures and methods


IIRB aisbl
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Büro Göttingen des IIRB aisbl
Holtenser Landstraße 77
37079 Göttingen
Registered Office: IIRB aisbl
40, Rue Washington B - 1050 Brussels

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IIRB aisbl

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Stellvertretende(r) Generalsekretär(in) (m/w/d)

37079 Göttingen
Teilzeit , ab sofort
Deputy Secretary General (f/m/d)

37079 Göttingen
Teilzeit , ab sofort
Icon Wecker mit Ausrufezeichen


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