Research Associate (optional temporary civil servant status) (all genders welcome)

1 Stellenangebot
ab 01.10.2024 Vollzeit Sonstige Berufe Befristet

Göttinger Zentrum für Geowissenschaften -Abt.7-Sedimentologie-Umweltgeologie

In publica commoda

Goldschmidtstraße 3
37077 Göttingen
An der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Stiftung Öffentlichen Rechts – Göttinger Zentrum für Geowissenschaften -Abt.7-Sedimentologie-Umweltgeologie ist ab dem 01.10.2024 eine Stelle als
Research Associate (optional temporary civil servant status) (all genders welcome)
- bis Besoldungsgruppe A 13 NBesO -
in Vollzeit (teilzeitgeeignet) zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist befristet bis .

This is a fixed-term full-time position (39.8 hours / week). The salary levels will be in accordance with the German pay grade system for public servants, NBesO A13 or TV-L E13, depending on personal requirements. Following successful evaluation, the appointment can be extended for a further period of 3 years (§ 31 NHG/WissZeitVG). Details are provided upon request.
Our team at the Department of Sedimentology and Environmental Geology is broadly interested in the sedimentary record of planet Earth’s evolution through time, from the Archean to the Present. More specifically, we want to pursue and strengthen our expertise on the geologic evolution of sedimentary basins and their respective hinterland through space and time. We are seeking a candidate who contributes to the research topics and projects at the department with a particular focus on thermochronology and performs targeted research to develop an independent research profile.

Your profile
  • University degree and very good doctorate in Geoscience/ Earth Science
  • Strong background in sedimentary petrology, geochemistry and thermochronology
  • Advanced practical skills and ‘hands on’ experience with (U-Th)/He and fission track thermochronology methods, complemented with other in-situ chemical, mineralogical and thermochronological methods such as electron microprobe analysis, Raman spectroscopy, laser ablation and solution ICP-MS and/or vitrinite reflectance
  • Demonstrated experience in publication of scientific results in peer review journals
  • Demonstrated experience in teaching
  • Ability to perform scientific field work, also in remote areas
  • Very good command of English and German language
  • Team player, characterized by a cooperative, committed and responsible working style
Your tasks
  • Supervising the thermochronological labs at the department ([U-Th]/He and fission track analysis)
  • Contributing to research projects of the department as well as carrying out own research in the broad fields of sedimentary petrology and thermochronology, including publication of the results in recognized scientific journals
  • Supporting development of innovative approaches in thermochronology
  • Teaching at the BSc (in German) and MSc (in English) level, 4 weekly hours per semester (e.g. field and lab courses on sediments and sedimentary rocks, lectures and exercises on basin modelling, sedimentary resources and sedimentary provenance analysis including detrital thermochronology)
  • Raise funding for research and teaching or outreach projects
We offer an inspiring research and teaching environment, both at the department and the faculty level. The Geoscience Center Goettingen hosts an array of state-of-the-art analytical facilities that include a newly designed and equipped center for electron microscopy (GOELEM,, high-resolution Raman spectroscopy and imaging, laser ablation and solution ICP-MS (Neptune, Element-2, iCap-Q), etc. Overall open-lab and open-door policies allow for giving unusual ideas a try and invite for fruitful discussions in an open, favorable working team. Besides, the University offers access to the university sports, free parking, and good connections/accessibility with public transport. Moreover, we offer flexible working hours.

The position serves to qualify the next generation of academics and offers the opportunity for a habilitation. The position is suitable for part-time. The further conditions of employment are described in § 31 par. 3 of the Higher Education Law of Lower Saxony in its current version as well as § 1 par. 2 of the Regulations on the Recruitment and Evaluation of “Akademische Rät*innen” in Temporary Civil Service.

Your application should encompass the usual documents (motivation letter of maximum 2 pages, CV incl. publication list and teaching experience, university degrees, a statement of present and future research interests, and the names and contact details of two senior researchers who agreed to provide reference letters).

Die Universität Göttingen strebt in den Bereichen, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind, eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Sie versteht sich zudem als familienfreundliche Hochschule und fördert die Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft/Beruf und Familie. Der beruflichen Teilhabe von schwerbehinderten Beschäftigten sieht sich die Universität in besondere Weise verpflichtet und begrüßt deshalb Bewerbungen schwerbehinderter Menschen. Bei gleicher Qualifikation erhalten Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung den Vorzug. Eine Behinderung bzw. Gleichstellung ist zur Wahrung der Interessen bereits in die Bewerbung aufzunehmen.

Bitte reichen Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung mit allen wichtigen Unterlagen bis zum 02.06.2024 ausschließlich über das Bewerbungsportal ein. Auskunft erteilt Herr von Eynatten, E-Mail:, Tel. +49 551 3927970

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Bitte im Betreff der Bewerbung folgende Referenznummer angeben: 74497


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Research Associate (optional temporary civil servant status) (all genders welcome)

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
ab 01.10.2024
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