Biodiversity informatician (all genders welcome)

1 Stellenangebot
ab 01.09.2024 Vollzeit Sonstige Berufe Befristet

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

In publica commoda

Goßlerstr. 5/7
37073 Göttingen
The Department of Biodiversity, Macroecology and Biogeography at the Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) invites applications for a
Biodiversity informatician (all genders welcome)
This is a full-time position (39.8 hrs. / week, part-time arrangements possible), which can be filled permanently. The salary is defined according to the German public service salary E13 TV-L scale (100 %). The earliest starting date for this position is 01.09.2024 or until filled. The applicants should hold a doctorate in Ecology, Biology (with an ecological and/or macroecological focus), or a closely related field OR in Data Science (with an according specialization in biodiversity-data).
We are seeking a highly motivated senior scientist/biodiversity informatician with a keen interest in contributing to the development and maintenance of biodiversity databases such as the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits database (GIFT; and related works (
Your tasks:
  • Development and maintenance of multifaceted biodiversity databases, incl. geospatial data
  • Administrating database and web servers, developing R or Python workflows for updating the DBs
  • Development and maintenance of R-packages (e.g.
  • Contributing with data science expertise to ongoing and future research projects as well as grant writing activities (from the planning of data collection to data publication/archiving)
  • Implementing best-practice standards for reproducible and replicable data management and analysis
  • General IT-related tasks of the lab group
Your Qualifications:
  • PhD in ecology, biogeography or a related field, with a specialization on data science-relevant topics (such e.g. as big data macroecological synthesis)
  • Very good knowledge of relational databases, MySQL, and metadata standards such as DarwinCore
  • Excellent communication skills in English (both written and oral)
  • Outstanding programming skills in R and other languages such as Python or Julia
  • Experience with the setup and maintenance of database and web servers under Linux is a plus
  • Experience in statistical methods in ecology and machine learning is a plus
  • Experience with high-performance computing and server architectures is a plus
We are a vibrant, highly international research team collaborating with researchers globally. We combine fieldwork (mostly in tropical countries) with database-driven research to answer basic research questions in ecology and biogeography and contribute to urgent biodiversity issues related to land-use change and invasive species.
The University of Göttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply in fields in which they are underrepresented. The university has committed itself to being a family-friendly institution and supports its employees in balancing work and family life. The mission of the University is to employ a greater number of severely disabled persons. Applications from severely disabled persons with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.
Please send a short letter of motivation (max 2 pages, outlining your interests, past experiences with biodiversity data bases and how you envision to contribute to database-related activities of the department such as GIFT), a CV including a complete publication list, and the contact details of two (academic) references to
Please merge all these documents into a single PDF, and include your name in the file name. Application documents will be deleted after a safekeeping period of five months. The deadline for applications is 07.08.2024.
For further information visit or contact Holger Kreft (

Please note:
With submission of your application, you accept the processing of your applicant data in terms of data-protection law. Further information on the legal basis and data usage is provided in the General Data Protection Regulation

Bitte im Betreff der Bewerbung folgende Referenznummer angeben: 2886


Holger Kreft

Herr Prof. Dr. Holger Kreft

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Biodiversity informatician (all genders welcome)

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
ab 01.09.2024
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